


Bumpers for Chicago Reader videos

As the Reader started to produce more videos it was apparent we desperately needed bumpers to unify the branding. Even when provided with assets and guidelines, each videographer would bring their own style variations to the table and with the weekly paper’s limited time and budget we weren’t able to send back numerous rounds of edits. Late one night on deadline, I decided to create these bumpers durning a lull while print pages were being proofed. The video was shot with an iPhone from our board room and it was edited and animated in After Effects.

Propaganda marketing video for Chicago Reader

The Sales Director at the Chicago Reader wanted to create a short video introducing the weekly paper to new clients. Problem was, we were asked to have it completed in two days, one of which was our weekly deadline, so we had no time or budget to produce new content. Never deterred, I scoured our recent photo archives, wrote some clunky copy, borrowed designer Becky Frass from the Chicago Sun-Times marketing department, and took a little cynical inspiration from Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove trailer. This is the result.

Bumper Reel for Argonne National Laboratory

For a design presentation at Argonne National Laboratory. I animated these in After Effects.

Videos Produced for Chicago Reader

These videos were produced as extra content for print features except Cocktail Challenge which was conceived as a video feature with a print component. I was a producer and hired various freelance videographers and editors for each project.